I was born in the Bronx and bred a full-blooded New Yorker. My mother hails from Irish-Dutch genealogy, with ancestors who arrived on the Mayflower. My father, a Nigerian, was a Nupe man from the Gulu and Vatsa area.

I was born on February 21, 1965, the night Malcolm X was assassinated. Consequently, I was named Malcolm Little, and I grew up as a replica of Malcolm X: half-caste, tall, and Afrocentrist. I was known as “Detroit Red.” My life was centered around Malcolm X.

Until the day my father passed away.

In his last will, he stipulated that I must visit KinNupe, my homeland. Although I was 43 years old, I had never set foot in Africa.

I contacted Nigerian Nupe people residing in the D.C., New York, and Philadelphia areas but found that they knew little about their Nupe heritage. I then conducted my own research.

My discoveries about Nupe were startling. Nupeko, also known as Kororofa, was the greatest empire in West Africa. Tsudi, the founder of Nupe, was the greatest leader to appear in sub-Saharan Africa.

I eventually arrived in Nigeria.

KinNupe is a remarkable place. I visited the Gulu and Vatsa twin-settlements, where I identified my father’s family, but all the elderly who knew him were deceased.

Soon, I was in Bida, engaged in researching Nupe sociology.

However, the more I researched Nupe, the more I was told about a half-caste American who had preceded me. Everywhere I went in KinNupe, I heard stories about this enigmatic American known as Nma Shaba.

They said he resided in the village of Nku in KinNupe.

The stories of Nma Shaba distracted me so much that I decided to meet him in person.

I met Nma Shaba at Nku. He is a half-caste American who has been living in KinNupe since February 21, 1965, the day I was born. The day Malcolm X died. It is an extraordinary set of coincidences I couldn’t fathom.

Nma Shaba is a peculiar man. I couldn’t understand how someone from Boston, Massachusetts, would deliberately end up living in a remote village. Nma Shaba is not interested in returning to America at all.

He has been in KinNupe for 44 years. He has even etched out real Nupe tribal marks on his face!

My greatest astonishment is that Nma Shaba looks too much like the late Malcolm X. Although the old man Nma Shaba is far older than the Malcolm I know, they could have been age-mates if Malcolm X were still alive.

I couldn’t hide my astonishment at Nma Shaba’s striking resemblance to Malcolm X. He said he is aware of his twin-like resemblance to the late Malcolm X. He said he was referred to as Malcolm X’s twin brother back in the USA.

I became close to Nma Shaba. I shuttled weekly between Bida and the village of Nku.

Over time, the old man Nma Shaba told me about his life in the USA. He said he was with the Nation of Islam under Elijah Muhammad during Malcolm X’s prominence.

Nma Shaba said he was originally from Lansing, Michigan, but was drawn to the Harlem branch mosque of the Nation of Islam when people told him everywhere he went that he looked too much like Malcolm X. That is how he joined the Black Muslims and became close to Malcolm X.

Old man Nma Shaba said Malcolm X eventually told him many devastating secrets about the Nation of Islam movement.

As the months passed, I became engrossed in old man Nma Shaba’s firsthand and secret stories about Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam.

Nma Shaba said contrary to popular media and FBI propaganda, the clash between Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X was not borne out of rivalry. Instead, it was because Malcolm X discovered something secretive about the origins of the Nation of Islam.

Malcolm X discovered that the true founder of the Nation of Islam movement, Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, was a Nupe man!

Now I see why the true identity of Wallace D. Fard has remained such a guarded secret that, even today, Louis Farrakhan doesn’t know the true Wallace D. Fard Muhammad.

Around this time, my sessions with Nma Shaba were interrupted by the visit of a close friend of Nma Shaba, a white American named Frank, who works with the American embassy at Abuja. Frank is a mischievous-looking Texan whom I didn’t like from the beginning.

Frank came and spent a week with Nma Shaba in that remote village of Nku. Frank was following Nma Shaba around as if he were from the KGB and not from the US embassy.

Why would Frank leave the posh offices of the American embassy to come and spend a week policing in this stifling village with Nma Shaba? I just couldn’t fathom this whole Nma Shaba affair.

When Frank left, Nma Shaba resumed his Malcolm X stories.

Nma Shaba said Wallace D. Fard Muhammad was originally a Nupe man, known as Wali Ndafaranda Muhammadu, from the village of Sakpe in KinNupe.

Wali Ndafaranda Muhammadu was a Tijanniya Tariqa scholar of Sufism who went to perform Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca in the 1910s. Wali Ndafaranda never returned to KinNupe.

From Mecca, Wali Ndafaranda traveled round the Middle East and discovered, to his greatest shock, that Sufism was originally a Nupe form of spiritualism that was exported from KinNupe to Basra in southern Iraq from the days of Caliph Umar right through the 9th century to latter times.

It was Hassan al-Basri and Imam Ghazali, both of Nupe descent, who syncretized Sufism, a Nupe spiritualism, into Islam.

I didn’t know whether to believe old man Nma Shaba or not.

Nma Shaba said the globetrotting Wali Ndafaranda eventually found himself in the USA and dabbled into Freemasonry when he discovered that Freemasonry was also originally a form of an ancient Nupe religion.

Wali Ndafaranda, then known as Wallace D. Fard, decided to fuse Sufism and Freemasonry into one because both originated from Nupe. The result was the eccentric Islam of the Nation of Islam.

Before his disappearance in 1934, Wallace D. Fard Muhammad appointed Elijah Muhammad as his successor, and that was the birth of the Black Muslim movement in the USA.

It was Malcolm X’s discovery of these vital secrets that led to the clash between Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X.

In any case, Malcolm X was killed on February 21, 1965. And that very night, Nma Shaba left America for KinNupe.

Nma Shaba said he has come down to KinNupe to discover that original Nupe spiritualism that gave birth to Sufism, Freemasonry, and the Nation of Islam or Black Muslim Movement in the USA. He said when he came down to KinNupe, he discovered that it was this ancient Nupe spiritualism that also gave birth to Nupe witchcraft.

He is discovering now, Nma Shaba told me, that Nupe Spiritualism might as well be the greatest and ultimate power in the world – the same that the Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Priory of Scion, the Rosicrucians, the Opus Dei, the Bilderberg Group, the Knights Templar, even the Vatican, and many others are looking for.

Nma Shaba said Professor Leo Frobenius discovered long ago that Nupe Spiritualism was the ultimate power the White man has been looking for. Nma Shaba said Professor Leo Frobenius actually got himself initiated into Nupe Spiritualism in 1911 here in KinNupe.

He said he has a greater secret to tell me.

But Frank came back with his policing demeanor. This time, he didn’t hide his disgust for me. He suspected Nma Shaba had told me something he shouldn’t tell me. They had a serious fight. I overheard Frank threatening to report Nma Shaba to the CIA.

That was when I became convinced that both Frank and Nma Shaba were CIA agents.

I ran away and never went back to Nku. Nma Shaba kept calling me for his final “Great Secret” but I didn’t go back. I don’t want anything to do with the CIA.

It was around that time, in November 2008, that Barack Obama became the President of the USA.

Then I heard of the sudden death of Nma Shaba.

I was truly devastated. I went to the funerals at Nku but was surprised to discover that the small village of Nku had been overtaken by a battalion of US embassy staff and Nigerian security operatives from Abuja.

They said a high dignitary was coming from America to pay his last respects to Nma Shaba. But the security mounted at Nku by the Americans was more than what is obtainable at Guantanamo Bay.

In the dead of night, the high American dignitary did come in a USA Marine One presidential helicopter, accompanied by Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I was stunned. Only the President of the USA can be transported by Marine One.

So, who is Nma Shaba?

Then to my shock, I was called inside to meet the high dignitary who was none other than President Barack Obama himself.

Obama looked at me with tears and said: “Come and pay your last respects to your closest friend. Come and pay your last respects to the greatest Black American ever. Come and pay your last respect to Malcolm X.”

“Malcolm X did not die on February 21, 1965,” Frank whispered into my ears, “he was simply banished by the CIA to KinNupe.”

[The strange story above is an excerpt from the esteemed literary work “The Landzun Master Story-Teller” authored by Ndagi Abdullahi Amana Nupe.  who can be reached through the Whatsapp number+234813 798 2743 Whatsapp message only]

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